“I also knew that there was a God. But behold, the devil hath deceived me. … and I taught [his words] because they were pleasing unto the carnal mind, … insomuch that I verily believed that they were true.” (Alma 30:52–53.)
In a September 1977 article in the Ensign called “"Korihor: The Arguments of Apostasy,” Chauncey C. Riddle outlines the atheist Korihor’s philosophical objections to Christianity—“an approach remarkably similar to that taken by many persons today in semiphilosophical attempts to “relieve” believers of what they are pleased to call their “naivete.”
The author of this lesson elaborates on the concepts of naturalistic empiricism (the belief that truth is to be found only through the manifestations of one’s own senses;) humanism (that success comes by human means such as physical strength, skill and reason;) and relativism (that there are no absolute truths and therefore no absolute judgment.) My focus will be on relativism, which is an increasingly prevalent and emergent concept in society. Segments in quotation marks are portions of the original publication.
Relativism—… and whatsoever a man did was no crime (Alma 30:17.) Korihor claims since “there is no god and men do not live after death, and since all so-called ‘laws’ and ‘commandments’ are but social conveniences to give power to priests, the only important thing in life is to do what you want to do—if you can get away with it. How modern Korihor sounds! But the argument is timeless, as old as sin itself.
“There are, of course, many versions of relativism (one would hardly expect relativism to be absolute).”
1. Enjoy the Church social organization without getting uptight about theology or religious commandments.
2. The commandments are great but open to broad private interpretation.
3. There are commandments, but [you are allowed] indulgence in sin since ‘nobody’s perfect.’
4. The commandments were okay when they were given, but they have become superfluous in our enlightened age.
5. A relativism used by Korihor—the commandments were bad from the first; they are inhibitions on the soul of man that actually prevent him from ever achieving happiness.
6. Also used by Korihor—since one act is indifferent from another, it doesn’t matter what we do.
“The great power of all relativistic approaches is that they allow the individual to judge his own actions. This is why almost any of the approaches strikes a responsive, sympathetic chord in all other relativists. Korihor found many who were pleased with his relativism, even though they may have rejected much else of what he said. ‘And thus he did preach unto them, leading away the hearts of many, causing them to lift up their heads in their wickedness’ (Alma 30:18.)
“In stark contrast to the virtually infinite number of personal choices available in the broad way of relativism is that strait and narrow way…to do as [the Savior] did: not to seek our own will, but to do the will of Him who sent us.
“Thus the gospel teaches a way that is absolute—absolute in that the formula for righteousness is always the same for every person and for every time and circumstance: take the name of Christ, always remember him, keep all of the commandments that he gives unto us. There is no other way to righteousness, for whatsoever is not of faith in Christ is sin.
“Now it is little wonder that Korihor found much success in commending relativism to the members of the church in his time. For while the Church is true, the members of the Church here on earth have not yet overcome the world, although most are still trying. For many, the effort is hard, the price too great. Whether they leave the Church or not, they abandon the narrow way and settle for some variety of relativism.
“But there is one thing relativism can never do, even within the Church. One who subscribes to any of the versions of relativism just listed will never (unless he repents) be brought to those sacrifices that will prepare his soul to spend an eternity in blessing others. Relativism can never purify heart and mind, or transform body and countenance into the image of the Savior.”
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